Yoga is not what you think it is
Misconceptions about yoga abound. But I am here to tell you that it is not what you think it is. Yoga is not what you think it is. And Iyengar Yoga is not what you think it is.
If you have never taken a yoga class I bet you already have an idea of what the classes are like. Look up from this post for a moment and ask yourself if you have a preconceived idea of what yoga is like. Do you? If so I bet you think that yoga is one of these things:
- Stretching
- Back care
- Feeling good
- Incense
- For women
- For flexible people
The above list is not completely inaccurate but is not an all encompassing description. There is stretching in a yoga class. Yoga might help you back or make you feel good. Some classes do burn incense (I don’t, for numerous reasons). A higher percentage of women (compared to men) practice yoga (and many women are naturally more flexible).
Just stretching doesn’t mean you are doing yoga. And certainly burning incense doesn’t make you a yoga practitioner.

In many ways yoga is hard to define
What the general population doesn’t know is that yoga is a vast, deep and profound subject. A subject which can be studied and reflected upon. It is for all people who want it, not just for the flexible or naturally adept few.
Yoga is the result of having done certain actions and made certain decisions. If the result of your actions and decisions brings you closer to something greater than yourself then you are doing yoga. If the results of your actions and decisions gives you peace of mind which then brings greater peace to your household–you are doing yoga.
Through repeated attempts we try to establish a practice. Some people, for whatever reason, take to the practice with little resistance, right away. Others have more bumps in the road and need to restart many times. You have to make a decision to make a commitment. But first just come to one class–so you can see if it’s something you want to explore.
There is a free class pass good for one of the Intro level classes, anytime. Or you can sign up for one of the weekly free evaluation time slots. In the evaluation I will observe your movement and determine which of the Intro classes will be the best fit for you. What have you got to lose?