Ease and Steadiness

This week we were discussing the third limb of yoga: Asana. Sutra II.46 is sthira sukham asanam. sthira = firm, steady skham = happiness, ease asanam = postures, poses This sutra defines asana as a posture that is done with steadiness and ease or comfort. In his book The Core of the Yoga Sutras, BKS…

The Five Yamas

This week in class we went over the five Yamas which are the moral injunctions that a yoga practitioner should follow. They lead to right living. The five Yamas are: Ahimsa: non-violence / non-harming Satya: truthfulness Asteya: non-stealing Brahmacarya: chastity Aparigraha: non-hoarding, without posessions The Yamas are often thought of guide posts to help the…

The 8 Limbs

This week in class we were discussing the 8 limbs of yoga, as laid out by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. The 8 limbs are steps to help guide the yoga practitioner (sadhaka) in their Sadhana (practice). They are in a progressive order for learning but are all interrelated. They are: Yama: moral injunctions Niyama:…